
About The Work

I am a Christian, a wife, and a mother to 2 energetic boys. I love God and love to see his most extraordinary creation(people) flourish in life. The truth is, God placed us on this earth to produce and have dominion, yet the Christian struggle seems so real. I believe that here we will be able to address the missing link. Each one of us has work that we have to accomplish while we are here.

In the Bible, there is a scripture that pretty much says faith without works is dead. This body of scripture has always captivated me because we naturally apply it to things like giving or charitability, yet neglect to relate it to our everyday lives. Faith, in my opinion, should be displayed in literally everything, so I am creating this blog to talk about all of the work we haven't applied to our faith. When we understand that THE WORK we do is what solidifies our belief, our entire world can change. This blog will be all about THE WORK. No topic will go untouched.

Writing things down has always been therapeutic for me; it has been my way of getting all of the CRAZY out of my head. Honestly, this blog will be somewhat of a reflection of that, but it won't just be my thoughts. It'll be yours too! Each week I will post content that addresses topics pulled from my personal life experiences, trending topics, or comments from you guys. View "The Work" as if it were a collective journal filled with the questions we are all too afraid to ask out loud. It has, on several occasions, been proven that our generation is brave behind a screen. Instead of being professional trolls(or Window Gangsters), let's use this digital bravery as a super-power to create change and growth in our lives.

I want THE WORK to be a resource to help us all start conversations that will ultimately address the disconnect between Culture and Christianity, as well as our everyday struggles. Every person and every opinion is welcome here! I believe that our differences as people make us all valuable. Through these differences, we can all come to a better understanding. I want to hear from men and women from all walks of life. To be physically, mentally, and spiritually in good health, we all have real work to do, so why not talk to each other while we live through it.

-Let's Get to THE WORK!!!