I Dub Thee “Untitled”


Okay, So boom! I’m at church and my hubby is preaching a crazy bomb message about Moses and how he came to the place where God planned to use him. So, after Moses goes through this whole ordeal where he kills an Egyptian and goes on the run because people find out about it, he comes to a place called Midian. In this place, Moses gets real comfy. He’s now settled down and has a whole family. Moses has a great relationship with his in-laws, he’s eating good and living his best life; suddenly God shows up as a burning bush, and long story short God tells Moses that he is going to use him to free the Israelites. Immediately Moses became uncomfortable and insecure and at that very moment, I saw myself in his story.

Jumping back to Sunday, I’m still sitting in church listening to the message but at the same time in my head I am warring with myself and God because I know what he has asked me to do but I know that I am completely unqualified for the task. Now Moses turned out to be an amazing man but he missed out on the promised land and that is not how I want my story to end… so this is me being obedient.

So why am I here? Well, I am glad that you asked! I’m here because I think there are multiple gaps between society and Christianity and more importantly how millennials fit into the equation. As a devoted member of the millennial community, I often find myself lost somewhere between my faith and my culture, and it doesn’t help when I hear people make comments like “this generation wants nothing to do with God!” well…. Unfortunately, I think that they are RIGHT. As someone who grew up in a church environment, I have always had pre-planted ideas about what my life should look like as a Christian. I have been told that you should carry yourself a certain way; you should watch who you call friends, and be careful not to tell your business to anyone that’ll listen. I was raised thinking that Christianity was a set of do’s and don’ts, but to me, all of this is so unhealthy. I think that the “god” that has been presented to my generation overall has been dumbed down to a set of rules and that is not something I want to be a part of. God is so much more than that, He is the living, breathing creator that wants your heart before He asks for any type of behavior change. I believe that these unhealthy practices have left people hurting with no one to talk to. We fear talking to a pastor would lead to judgment but on the flip side speaking to a friend (if not surrounded by the right kind) could also lead to judgment plus a bit of bad advice. How do we eliminate these unhealthy practices and become healthy people and Christians? I think that it starts with first acknowledging the fact that God doesn’t have to be separated from our culture and the things that we enjoy and second I believe that it continues with us actively doing THE WORK to be healthy. Now it is easy to say “do the work to be healthy” but what does that really look like. This is just my thought process but I believe that it doesn’t have one look. We gradually learn to make God the center of every little thought that we have. “God where are my keys” “Lord please help me to not drop kick my hubby today” “Jesus I’m sooooo hungry for tacos please give me a bit of restraint so I won’t stuff myself” Like I mean every little thought should belong to God! This fact is one of the reasons I started this blog. I too am on the journey of trying to figure this thing out and I think that being a part of a community that gets my struggle is refreshing. Being able to say I don’t have all the answers and I am completely unfinished in my spiritual development is healthy. That is why the title of today’s post is “I Dub the Untitled”. I may not be done growing but together we can all take a giant step closer. I want us all to create a healthy dialogue centered around millennial Christianity and how it applies to us.  

Now that I have talked my head off for a full 745 words I want to know what are some ways you can make God a part of your everyday life? Now I said earlier that this is dialogue so guys, what topics would you like to discuss? Please reach down deep and think about topics that really leave a burning desire for conversation. Remember life is too hard to do alone so let’s get this WORK together!!!!


The Judge


Welcome to The Work!