Welcome to The Work!


What's up Family!

I am crazy excited that you all are here. I've been battling with myself for over a year trying to decide if this was truly an assignment from God, so when I say I am grateful that you have joined me, I mean it from the heart. I wanted to take a moment to help you get acquainted with The Work. Let's start this thing off right! I want you to take your time reading this post so you'll know what's to come.

So what can you expect from The Work?

My vision for The Work is quite simple. I want to connect Christianity and Culture through conversation. Culture has tried to define so many things for us, and every definition seems to take us one step further away from God. For instance fun. From the outside looking in fun seems to be absent from the Christian lifestyle. We often hear that Christians are prudes and are extremely restricted especially when it comes to marriage and relationships. The current running stigma is that life ends when you say "I do", and that is not the reality at all. There are so many definitions that current culture would have you subscribe to that have become completely distorted, and I hate to say it, but traditional Christianity hasn't helped at all.

Here, I hope to address all of the things that we don't feel like we can talk about. I want us to have the freedom to question the current narrative and truly get closer to a healthy Christian life. Building a community is the best way to be able to discuss the many things that distract us daily. We will have the ability to talk about anything. Every Monday I will release a new post based on my personal life experiences, and more importantly comments from you. It will genuinely be a community effort! I know that we will grow tremendously through this outlet and I am excited about growing on this journey with you. So without further ado Let's Get This Work!


I Dub Thee “Untitled”


The Prison of Me